Walking down the road

It is the rain of my soul and poured when the storm raging in my mind. When feelings and logics are tangle between right or wrong and win or lose. They are raising many funny questions and silly confusions along the line. These all are happening because I'm walking down the road I choose.

My Photo
Location: Paris van Java, West Java, Indonesia

I was born in Bandung, April 1976, and spent most of my education time in that same city. Living in a cool town with a moderate muslim family, somehow become important factors that carving my character. I'm a big fan of any satay, pempek and rujak (anything sweet-lah), and I created this notes as a place where I can write everything that crossed my mind. This writing is more like a journal, footsteps I leave behind as reminder mostly for myself and probably for my descendants. If you, readers, able learning one or two good things from this notes, that was really more than my expectation. Yet if I wrote something wrong or you have different opinion from mine, please let me know, will you? You also have to excuse me for that matter because I'm aware I'm no writer at all.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I don't know a thing

For everytime we breathe, we make wish to this life...
Sometime it does come true but most of the time it doesn't...
We had our regrets, but we keep going on...
because it is not how many steps we leave behind that count,
but how did we made those steps so each step we take had some meaning.
But hey... we're not perfect being... so sometimes it doesn't really matter,
as long as we talk and listen to ourself, we won't lose our path completly...
what good will it bring if we known what will we became?
The future never speak clearly to us, since it is not our rights to listen to,
Sometime I wondering... about me, us, and all the people...
ahh... probably it is just a shadow to me, but still I cannot hold to it tightly...
cause what will it became is not the question...

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Scene 1
(Di suatu Kampus, hari pertama masuk, lagi upacara ospek)
(cowo, so galak) Hei! Kamu...! Yang pake baju merah! Kesini!
(cewe, ketakutan) Knapa Mas?
(cowo, melotot) Eh?! pake nanya lagi, kaya yang bego!.... Mana pita rambutnya?
(cewe, ngeraba rambutnya, kaget!) ....... Aduuuh.... Ketinggalan Mas!
(cowo, masih galak) Belagu amat! sengaja ditinggalin ya?!
(cewe, memelas) Ngga Mas! bener ko,.... ketinggalan...
(cowo, masih so galak) Ahh... udah deh! Jangan banyak alesan.... Siapa nama kamu?
(cewe, lemes) Dini Mas....
(Bagas) Ya udah! Sana lapor sama sama atasan kamu, bilangin Bagas yang nyuruh... Awas kalo nanti gua cek ternyata kamu ngga lapor!
(Dini) Iya mas....

Scene 2
(Happy Background Music, di suatu kampus, siang hari lagi panas-panasnya)
(Bagas) Din.... ! Diniii....! (ngos-ngosan)
(Dini, lagi jalan, kaget, trus noleh) Ko buru-buru amat? Knapa lari-larian gitu Gas?
(Bagas, excited) Gua keterima Din! Gua keterimaaaa...!!!
(Dini, tersenyum) Wahh selamat ya? Kerjaan di perusahaan itu ya? Yang selalu elo omongin?
(Bagas, excited) Iyaa... akhirnya gua bisa buktiin, kalo gua mau ngga ada yang ngga bisa!...
(Dini) Bagus kalo gitu.... kalo gitu gua bisa minta traktir dong? (senyum...)
(Bagas) Itu sih gampaaang... Mo dimana? Yang paling mahal juga, ayooo....
(Dini) Kalo gitu di mall yang baru itu aja ya....?
(Bagas) Siap.... Nanti sore siap- siap aja ya?

Scene 3
(Slow Background Music, malem hari, di pantai entah dimana)
(Bagas, ngelamun) Nyaman banget selonjoran disini, abis kerja seharian.... langit juga lagi cerah-cerahnya sampe semua bintang keliatan gini....
Din.... Apa elo juga sedang ngeliatin langit yang sama dengan gua? .... Apa elo juga sedang ngeliatin bintang yang sekarang sedang gua liat?....
(saat yang sama, ditempat lain di suatu kota, malem hari dengan hujan lagi deras-derasnya)
(Dini, kehujanan) .... ko jemputan gua belom dateng juga,... gimana sih?.... Bagas lagi ngapain ya?.... Sepi juga klao dia ngga ada....
(cowo, nepuk) Din?! .... kamu Dini kan?
(Dini, kaget) Andi?! Kamu lagi ngapain disini? Katanya kemaren-kemaren kamu kerja di luar negri?
(Andi, senyum) Gua udah balik enam bulan yang lalu... Sekarang, gua kerja disana tuh.... di gedung depan sana.... Gedung B, lantai 32. Elo kerja dimana sekarang?
(Dini) Gua di kompleks yang sama juga.... Tapi di gedung A lantai 24.
(Andi) Wah wah.... Ngga nyangka deh, deketan gitu.....
Eh... mendingan kita ngobrolnya di tempat laen aja deh.... Ngga sehat, ngobrol sambil hujan-hujanan gini ...
(Dini) Waduh.... pengennya sih gitu, tapi skarang gua lagi nunggu jemputan balik nih...
(Andi) ...Hmmm... Kalo gitu, udah deh, kita ngobrolnya di mobil gua aja, sambil gua anterin elo balik....
(Dini) Aduuuh gimana ya? Nanti kalo jemputannya datang gimana?
(Andi) Susah amat! .... ditelpon aja dulu....
(Dini, mikir-mikir) ...Hmmm.... OK deh.... gua ngikut elo aja.... Ngga apa-apa kan?
(Andi) Ya ngga apa-apa dong!... Seneng malah, ada temen ngobrol.... Elo masih tinggal di tempat yang dulu kan?

Scene 4
(Sad Background Music, sore hari di parkiran suatu Mall gede)
(Bagas, marah!) Elo ngga tau Din! betapa sayangnya gua sama elo! Elo bener-bener ngga tau!
(Dini, terisak-isak) Bener Gas.... itu masalahnya.... gua ngga tau perasaan elo ke gua.... gua ngga tau seberapa sayangnya elo sama gua......
Tapi...... ternyata setelah selama ini, gua nyadar.... kalo elo..... ngga bener-bener sayang ama gua!

(to be completed)

Thursday, April 05, 2007


For most of people celebrating their birthday(s) is really a must thing to do. The cake, the candles, the balloon, the singing and the people are mixing together, creating a kind of party of their own wishes. For some people the even willing to pay off large sum of money so they can create a party of thier own. You gotta admit, for some occasion, the party itself can be used as a device to shows to others, level status of the party owner in a society strata. Well I'm not aginst them for having such party though. It is their life, their money and their birthday so they can do anything about it for all I care.
For me such party is meaningless. Yes, it is true that by having such party you can share some of the happiness of yourself to others. But for me it is a shame to have such thing. Everytime I wanted a celebrated something for myself, I always ask this question. What deed did I do til I deserve such kind of celebration? The samething with a birthday celebration. Why I should celebrated my lessen time here on this world? Do I really have confidence that each time pass by I move one step closer to heaven?
Some people said it is OK, it is just for showing how much people care to you. Well, I say, no need a day like one's birthday to show how much you care to that person. You can do it anytime you like, by any means. Even if the person doesn't know or care, you can still do it though... :).

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Travel by Plane in Indonesia? Nooo wayy..

Plane Cockpit
(Captain and his Co-Pilot)
Captain! Engine No. 1 is failing! we losing altitude fast!
Put max power to engine no. 2, slowed the failing speed and maintain course!
Captain! Engine No. 2 also failing! what should we do?
Put all remaining power to Engine No. 3!
But Capt... we don't have 3 engine to begin with!
If we got no engine running, then why do ask me what to do?!
Announcement by stewardesess
(Stewrdesses and a Passangers)
Dear passanger, well be landing shortly please fasten your seat belt and pray, we'll land safely...
But miss, we cannot find our seat belt anywhere....
Then, Sir and Madamme, please pray harder....
Lavatory Area
(Stewrdesses and a Passanger)
Sir...! please Sir... ! The Plane is losing altitude, you should go back to your seat and fasten your seat belt!
Sorry... gotta go now, this is emergency...
Kitchen Area
(Two stewardesses)
Hey you! Why do you stashed up so many foods and liquor? Are you going to a picnic?
Just in case if the plane crash, I still have some food to eat and wine to drink..
Yeah rite... that would be good if you see a plane crash as a picnic time...
Passangger Seats
(Two Passanger)
(mumble) I don't wanna die... I don't wanna die... Please God don't let me die....
Stop that! it makes me nervous! Mumbling and praying continously like that, and what religion are you in to anyway?
None... I'm an atheist, just in case if God is really exist at least if I pray like this, I can still go to Heaven...
Don't give me that shit...! Not only you an atheist, you're also an opportunist... and that makes you a Jew!
Luggage Area
(Two "scientist wannabe" passangers)
Unload all things we don't need, the plane is losing altitude, we need the plane as light as posible so it can still flying...
(couple minutes later)
Sir! we've unload all things we don't need but the plane still losing altitude, what should we do now?
(think a moment) For the good of the most, we must ask person with the heaviest weight to jump off the plane using available parachute, and then one by one, until the all the parachutes are used...
(couples minute later, after all the parachutes are used)
Done Sir! I think it's working, we're manage to losing one third of the total passanger. Stress level of the plane by weight should be decrease by now.
Good... Now let's ask the pilot to stabilize the plane, let the sacrifices of the people before have some meaning.
But Sir, Captain and the rest of the crew are included into the group before and already jump off the plane!