Walking down the road

It is the rain of my soul and poured when the storm raging in my mind. When feelings and logics are tangle between right or wrong and win or lose. They are raising many funny questions and silly confusions along the line. These all are happening because I'm walking down the road I choose.

My Photo
Location: Paris van Java, West Java, Indonesia

I was born in Bandung, April 1976, and spent most of my education time in that same city. Living in a cool town with a moderate muslim family, somehow become important factors that carving my character. I'm a big fan of any satay, pempek and rujak (anything sweet-lah), and I created this notes as a place where I can write everything that crossed my mind. This writing is more like a journal, footsteps I leave behind as reminder mostly for myself and probably for my descendants. If you, readers, able learning one or two good things from this notes, that was really more than my expectation. Yet if I wrote something wrong or you have different opinion from mine, please let me know, will you? You also have to excuse me for that matter because I'm aware I'm no writer at all.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Why should I?

Why should you care some one who doesn't care you at all?
Once, a friend ask me the question, and I kind of disagree with her,
If no one care, then who will do it if it's not us?
Once I think that was a noble thing to do
But who really care about that nowdays? Noble or not is not the question...
People always see the result, and never looked how the result comes up,
morality becomes clothes which you can change everytime you wanted it,
Rich, poor, good or bad are instantly judged,
I tried so hard... too hard probably...,
not to letting myself washed away,
I should care more and more,
and try to understand what people feels,
But who am I anyway? A God?
in the end I carry too many guilts and pains,
so now, in these end of my time,
I surprise myself with that question,
why should I care anyone who doesn't care me at all?
yes..., why should I?

Monday, March 19, 2007

Coffee Break

I got to admit to you, coffee is a God given indrigients,
It can be medicine and poison at the same time,
One spoon plus one-two spoons of sugar is just a fine blend,
Well, I gotta watch my sugar level though...
and if I have a bit of luxury, adding two spoons of milk will be perfect one.
A cup in the morning will make my day shine brightly,
A cup on my work break time will make me stay focus,
A cup after lunch will prevent me sleepy for the rest of day,
A cup in the afternoon will end the day perfectly,
And another cup after dinner... well, it'll only be for my pleasure,
But a cup before long night sleep will be a dissaster...
Keep me awake pass my bed time, pass my yawning time,
Well..., this is my coffee way, care to share some?

Thursday, March 15, 2007

In the name of love

Yesterday, I give my all,
in the name of love...
Tomorrow, I do not know,
what will I do, in the name of love...
But today, I'm really tired,
I do not believe in any, in the name of love...
For every steps I take these days,
its excuse is not, in the name of love...
I wished I knew you sooner than today...

Friday, March 02, 2007

Postulate...???? Nasihat dari teman tentunya...

Ngga ada sesuatu yang 'biasa' mengenai hubungan antara laki2 dan wanita. Pasti selalu ada sesuatu diantara mereka
Comment: Mungkin ya, mungkin juga... ahh ga tau dah... pusiiiing....

Aya tilu cara ningali hubungan sareng istri teh. Kahiji, anu dijadikeun rencang ameng, kadua dijadikeun rencang bobogohan sareng katilu anu dijadikeun rencang saumur hirup. Jadi mung manggihan istri teh , kedah tiasa ngabedakeun sareng ngajentrekeun. Bade dijadikeun naon ka hareupna...
Comment: Setujuuu...

Katanya sih, menurut kerjaannya ada dua jenis perempuan. Satu, perempuan dengan kerjaan artis ato celebritis. Paras cantik body aduhai, trus yang kalo dihubungi selalu ngomong, "aduuhh... jangan sekarang deh, mo ada syuting nih... nanti kalo kelamaan bisa telat nyampe sana...", atau, "Yang..., nanti kalo jalan bareng jangan deket-deket yah? takut ketauan wartawan kalo gue jalan sama laki2 kaya kamu, miris banget deh...".
Yang kedua, perempuan dengan pekerjaan sebagai guru ato dosen. Fisik mungkin relatif kali ya? (Jarang sekali gua nemuin dosen cewe yang semua murid laki2 ato mahasiswanya setuju kalo dia cantik). Yang kalo pas dihubungin selalu ngomong, "Kenapa? ada pertanyaan lagi? kalo mau kita bahas sekarang biar kedepannya ga ada masalah.", atau, "Kamu tuh ngga salah2 banget ngelakuin kaya gitu, tapi mungkin lebih baik kalo pake cara laen. Kan ke akunya juga lebih enak."
Comment: Ga usah milih2 yang mana kali ya? Fisik kaya artis tapi kerjaannya dosen...

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Morning Conversations

Small talk between me (ME) and friends of mine (F1,2)
F1: Hey, Ms. Angel got another Rich husband... Hmm, it,s just what I thought before, she's just a bitch.
ME: Hey, that's not fair, you cannot judged her like that. She got her reasons, of course...
F2: Yup, sex and money, what else could it be?
ME: Money I can understand, but sex? She was secretly married for three times to old men.
F2: It's the coconut effect my boy, the older it is, the more oily it becomes... and men are just like that... So be proud become one.
ME: Hehehehe.. Yeah, but I wonder, why most of beautifull and pretty women always screwed up like that?
F1: Stupid! If a woman is not pretty, there will be no men wanted to screw her... rite
ME: ... ... you got a point there... yet, I still feeling pity for them...
F2: So? What? Since you're still a bachelor you wanted to 'save' them by marrying them?
ME: Hehehe... you read my mind... No man will reject a gift of marrying to a pretty woman...
F2: Wakakaka... if you wanted to 'save' them, firstly you gotta have yourself screwed , so you can talk at the same language with them... the you married with her, but of course if you do this none of you will be 'saved'...
ME: ... Hmm... you're saying is, one kind of people will met and fit each other for the its kind too?
F2: No, silly, what I'm trying to say is, your feelings will always blinded by lust...
ME: Wakakaka.. then, I got no problem there.... I don't believe in this crappy love any more... lust is all I got now
F1: What.. huh? Got rejected again? wakakaka....or a painfull break-up?
ME: Crap! None of your business! anyway every 'love story' written in my book always ended up badly, so that's my conclusion now. No need l-o-v-e to create a perfect marriage, since there is no one exist...
F2: True... there's no perfect marriage, and all the feelings will burned up after the first 6 months...but you gotta have some base when you got marry some day?
ME: Advice taken, but I live my own life here. Haven't found one love who love me back equally...
F2: Sacrifices my friend, sacrifices... What are you willing sacrificed for your love?
F1: The way I see it, you still got your ego attached to your belly.
ME: Hahaha... Before the last, I was sacrificing all for this feeling, but it seems they can never able to see those.
F1: Patient then, its time factor...it's not your time yet then...
ME: Argh...Don't give that crap again... I'm just soo tired with all of those...really, really tired...