Walking down the road

It is the rain of my soul and poured when the storm raging in my mind. When feelings and logics are tangle between right or wrong and win or lose. They are raising many funny questions and silly confusions along the line. These all are happening because I'm walking down the road I choose.

My Photo
Location: Paris van Java, West Java, Indonesia

I was born in Bandung, April 1976, and spent most of my education time in that same city. Living in a cool town with a moderate muslim family, somehow become important factors that carving my character. I'm a big fan of any satay, pempek and rujak (anything sweet-lah), and I created this notes as a place where I can write everything that crossed my mind. This writing is more like a journal, footsteps I leave behind as reminder mostly for myself and probably for my descendants. If you, readers, able learning one or two good things from this notes, that was really more than my expectation. Yet if I wrote something wrong or you have different opinion from mine, please let me know, will you? You also have to excuse me for that matter because I'm aware I'm no writer at all.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

If there's no if

What if there is no word "if"...
and we never dreaming things we never should,
what if there is no word "maybe"...
and everything we did is become a must,
so there will be no weight too heavy nor light,
so there will be no shadow or light,
and every people understand each other,
and each one of them is our someone,
would it be great? would it?
or will it boring and dull?
when this things happened?
if there is no "if"

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Inside my head...

Hmm... there's something about that glass... I don't know what it is, but its shape always tickling my mind... OK... its not cylindric like other, and it does have a rainbow like colour... Stylish people call it an art, while me think, errrr....its just a glass... Ughh... now I know....it is the ugliest water container I've ever seen and I bought it for 150 thousands rupiah... Everytime I see it in the corner of my mind, it always remind me of how stupid I am...

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Thank you, but no thanks...

Thank you Bro... but no thanks... I'm familiar with everything you said, and I'm no constant fool to be, repeatedly making the same mistake... I'll know when it'll come around, though I don't know where it'll gonna stab me... so, when it does, just bring me to the nearest hospital, ok?... this is what I need you to do for me... Thanks Bro.

Thursday, October 20, 2005


Apa hubungan antara grafik produktifitas dan performa rata-rata perorang perwaktu di bagian operasional dengan orang-orang di bagian penjualan, marketing dan advertising di perusahaan lain, yang jelas-jelas ngga ada hubungannya what so ever dengan organisasi awal?

DANG!!! KO bisa nyambung?! Dan kenapa harus GUA!


Tuesday, October 18, 2005

lari dari pilihan

Akhirnya cangkang itu pun pecah,
dan diriku bukanlah diriku,
kutebas semua dihadapan,
dengan tenaga kuayunkan golok,
kuminumkan racun,
saat melihat pohon tua itu meranggas,
perlahan dan menderita,
suatu tempat di dalam jiwaku berteriak!
tempat yang kutikam berulang dan sekarat,
belumlah mati,
pada akhirnya keputusan itu,
tidak menjadi suatu keputusan,
dan pilihan itu tetap jadi suatu pilihan,
mungkinkah kita lari dari takdir kita?
lari dari pilihan yang ada?

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Suara Nyanyian

Burung Gelatik itu bernyanyi riang,
di pagi hari di dahan pohon yang tinggi,
tanpa peduli suasana sekitar,
angin sejuk pun berjalan perlahan,
dari bawah, aku hanya bisa tersenyum,
dan menikmati semua coletehannya...

Friday, October 14, 2005

I'm bored...

It is not about places or time,
cause I've been almost everywhere,
it is about the person I'm going with,

Greatest Mistake

All this time I was dead wrong,
My eyes saw everything as light and dark,
while the world I lived in is shades of grey,
complicated it was, and so it will be...

Thursday, October 13, 2005


We always forced to believed,
every thing happens 'cause a reason,
when we asked God what?
all wiseman says those words,
most of the time,
we refuse to accepted those,
try to reasoning everything by our minds,
and in the end,
we wasting our time,
thinking to much,
you see my friend,
if those reasons belong to God,
then He must be the only one who know them,
so try to let go will ya?
walk again, run again,
there still a vast field out there,
waiting for you,
not your stupid reasoning...

Friday, October 07, 2005

Mati...? Suatu refleksi...

pesan Nabi, tentang mati,
jangan takut mati karena pasti terjadi,
semua insan pasti mati,
hanya tinggal waktu,
dan janganlah kau berbuat,
menyebabkan mati,
pesan Nabi, jangan takut mati,
meski kau sembunyi, ia kan menghampiri,
takutlah, pada kehidupan,
sesudah kau mati,
renungkanlah itu,

Monday, October 03, 2005


Sejuta rasa terangkum dalam sukma,
menyeruak menyesakkan dada,
berjuta warna yang terpatri dalam jiwa,
menorehkan satu kata, 'cinta' ...
ya... satu kata indah yang bermakna.
tanpa ada satu indra pun yang besuara,
semua tertunduk dan merajuk manja,
mengagungkan satu kata, 'cinta'...

Ahh... Cinta... apakah benar adanya?

really matter

Too many scars carved,
adding one more doesn't really matter,
deep cut or shallow one it's ok,
lost a half or a whole it's still ok,
cause I don't care anymore,
time will heal them all,
yes,.. it's an ugly one,
and I don't care anymore,
it always lived beyond time,
and still have usefullness for someone,
and that the one that really matter,
at least for me...

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Adilkah semua ini?

Untaian mutiara raksasa itu kembali ditata,
membawa serta semua masalah yang ada,
himpitan yang menyesakkan dada mereka,
masih adakah keadilan di dunia fana?
sungguh aku hanya bisa berharap itu ada,
sungguh kalau pun tak ada...
aku masih tetap berharap semua itu ada,
dan semua bisa bertahan ditengah badai siksa,
bukankah seharusnya mereka juga merasa?
bukankah kita juga saling bersaudara?
meski aku sedikit mengerti, tapi tetap saja...
setiap melihat tunas bangsa di jalanan,
hati ini teriris berbagai macam perasaan,
ingin membantu tapi tak tahu harus bagaimana?
memberi sekarang akan menbunuh mereka dimasa depan,
maafkan adik kecil bila aku terlalu keras,
karena hanya bahasa itu yang aku mengerti,
dan sungguh aku sayang pada kalian,
aku hanya beruntung, sungguh... hanya beruntung,
bahwa masih ada yang meihat padaku,
jadi Tuhan, sayangilah dan kasihanilah mereka,
jangan hukum mereka karena kesalahan kami,
kesalahan bapak dan kakek kami terhadap negeri ini.

Untuk Mamat, Iman, Asep, Ujang dan anak-anak lain yang masih berjuang di jalanan...