Walking down the road

It is the rain of my soul and poured when the storm raging in my mind. When feelings and logics are tangle between right or wrong and win or lose. They are raising many funny questions and silly confusions along the line. These all are happening because I'm walking down the road I choose.

My Photo
Location: Paris van Java, West Java, Indonesia

I was born in Bandung, April 1976, and spent most of my education time in that same city. Living in a cool town with a moderate muslim family, somehow become important factors that carving my character. I'm a big fan of any satay, pempek and rujak (anything sweet-lah), and I created this notes as a place where I can write everything that crossed my mind. This writing is more like a journal, footsteps I leave behind as reminder mostly for myself and probably for my descendants. If you, readers, able learning one or two good things from this notes, that was really more than my expectation. Yet if I wrote something wrong or you have different opinion from mine, please let me know, will you? You also have to excuse me for that matter because I'm aware I'm no writer at all.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


"...kita semua emang ngga akan tau kemana hati berkiblat, hanya Tuhan yang berkuasa atasnya..."

rite friend,
dia tuh, sesuatu yang bisa sekeras batu juga selembut awan,
meski ngga punya mata dan telinga, dia bisa ngerasain dunia,
dia juga kadang nguasain tubuh dan pikiran kita,
apa isinya pun, ngga bisa kita paksain,

karena itu, gua cuman bisa bikin pager di sekelilingnya,
buat ngebatasin semua yang bisa dia lihat, dia dengar dan dia rasa...

Thursday, March 02, 2006


I was always looking for a perfection,
a perfect beauty, a perfect personality,
but who am I, asking for so much?
while myself is not perfect at all,
and no living soul is perfect to be,
and through your eyes I can see,
that we are imperfect beings,
but because of that I also can see,
a perfect colour, a perfect future
and a perfect love...
but who am I trying to lie to?
for each love is perfect to be,
thank you and thank you,
for every perfect moment you share with me,
I love you...