Mist of Doubts
so I waited again...
I've waited too long, and I'm still don't know what am I waiting for,
but still,... I waited again
And now I've waited long enough,
and it made me wondering if this was really meant to be,
or perhaps I just scared of this uncertainty,
Being a coward and tried to circle the problems,
and perhaps that's why I never reached the end of the line...
to understand the answer of all questions I had.
Or perhaps, it was something I had to do,
so I can break out this cycle,
Or perhaps it was something I should not do...
I had my questions asked to myself,
If the one I know is the one?
or it'll be someone I'll meet in the future?
Or someone I've meet in the past?
Will it be a stranger? whom I've just met in my journey to my work?
or will it be someone who passed me each day
the one who'll always say good morning, good day, good evening?
So we were talked to each other with no knowledge at all,
And we'd talk for hours only to know nothing at all,
That we meant for each other....
Somehow I found this really hillarious...
I started to think that human relationship is one of God's big joke of life,
It should be, considering how boring and lonely it will become,
If you're a God...
So here I am, on the edge of chasm, balancing my feet,
Still looking for answer and something unclear,
or waiting a sign
...in the mist of doubts..
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